
Meetups | Conference


We're organizing monthly meetups since 2013, free for everyone to attend. They usually take place on Wednesdays at 18:30.

Attending tim.js

The regular audience is quite diverse. There are core members that attend the meetup every month, since the beginning. Others that attend only now and then, when they see interesting topics on the agenda.

Since we touch upon all experience levels, we have a wide mix of participants, from new comers to web development, to senior developers with decades of experience, and everything in between.

Why should you attend?

  • Gain insights about new technologies, concepts, and practices that you don't encounter in your day to day job.
  • Learn from others' experiences.
  • Exchange ideas, ask questions, debate your dilemmas.
People attending tim.js meetup People attending tim.js meetup

Speaking at tim.js

tim.js is the perfect place to share your knowledge with the local Web and JavaScript community. Whether you're working on your first talk or you've been on large stages before, we would love to hear you out.

Why speak at tim.js?

  • Pass your experience to others.
  • Challenge yourself to understand a topic by teaching it.
  • Get feedback on your speaking skills.
  • Practice your conference proposals.

What you get as a speaker?

  • video recording of your talk
  • get help from experienced speakers
  • special tim.js speaker t-shirt (on your second talk)
  • tim.js stickers
Image of a speaker giving a talk at tim.js meetup Image of a speaker giving a talk at tim.js meetup

Covered topics

We address the entire JavaScript ecosystem, including but not limited to: User Interfaces/Frontend, Node.js/Backend, web/mobile/desktop/hardware, standard APIs/ES/DOM, libraries/frameworks, practices/patterns/paradigms/concepts etc.

We don't specifically focus on HTML or CSS, but since they are closely related to UI/Frontend development, they are not out-of-scope.

We don't focus on other languages that compile to JavaScript, such as ScalaJS, ClojureScript, Reason, Elm, etc. as it would widen our focus too much. Exceptions are JS supersets and type checkers like TypeScript or Flow.

revo.js conference

Technology focused. Community driven. JavaScript conference.

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